November 2022 Portrait of the Month — Prisoner at Dachau 1

Prisoner at Dachau 1

November’s Portrait of the Month features a freed prisoner from Dachau whose name we do not know. November 9th mark the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht which was a night of widespread violence against Jewish people throughout Germany, Austria, and parts of Czechoslovakia. After that night, more than 10,000 Jewish men were imprisoned at Dachau.

Despite not knowing his name, students around the world have connected with this man reflected on their experience of drawing his portrait:

“It felt good to lose myself in the photo and study the light and dark on the person.”

“It made me feel connected to the person because I stroked his face and all his features and now I feel like I know him.”

“I think I'll remember the face of the man and his story after studying it and understanding it.”


Reflecting on 2022


October 2022 Portrait of the Month — Simon Gelbart