Blog Samantha Weisman Blog Samantha Weisman

Roma Genocide Remembrance

August 2nd is the Day of Remembrance of the Sinti and Roma Genocide. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the liquidation of the Zigeunerfamilienlager (“Gypsy Family Camp”) of Auschwitz II-Birkenau, during which almost 3,000 Roma children and adults were killed in gas chambers.

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Blog Samantha Weisman Blog Samantha Weisman

Yehuda Dubner

We recently received a remarkable phone call that moved us to tears. The relative of one of our subjects, Israel Dubner, found our website through a periodic search she does for family members online.

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Blog Samantha Weisman Blog Samantha Weisman

The Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow

While we missed being at the festival this year after attending and doing workshops for the past three years, we congratulate our partners in Krakow -The Galicia Jewish Museum for the wonderful work they do.

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