This was life-changing because his whole demeanor changed and he left his entire family in Cuba! This was also life changing because he hadn't seen his mom in so long and your first child will always be the largest memory.

![The life changing experience was that when her father passed away she [believed] that he is still alive. What made her think that is she felt something like a connection that her father is by her. - Anima R.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62435721c851cb34aebcf78b/1651803021108-6UEKO99XBHKUCATRUSAF/Anima_Mariyam.jpg)
The life changing experience was that when her father passed away she [believed] that he is still alive. What made her think that is she felt something like a connection that her father is by her. - Anima R.

My dad says "having my kids was my most important life changing moment. This is important because you go from having no one to looking out for someone." - Gabriel J.

Starting all over again. Being responsible and an older parent. Raising a child from beginning to end. It makes me strong knowing I was this child. - Makayla F.

On May 22nd, 2004 Lyema gave birth to a baby girl by way of a C-section. Becoming a new mother, Lyema did not know what to expect. Suddenly her life was filled with great responsibilities. - Nickema H.

What was life changing for my grandfather is that in Bangladesh there was a war. Pakistan wanted to take control of Bangladesh but we said no. He had to hide in many different places and some of his friends and relatives died so it was harder to survive. - Ziaul H.

!["November 22, 2013 on a Friday it was lunch time at M.S. 113. I was on the lunch line and I had my fingers in the hinge of the door. As I was leaning my left ring finger got caught in the door and it closed on my finger so they had to amputate [it]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62435721c851cb34aebcf78b/1651803025050-282GBR8Z8BSUTC3ARB5V/Ziyi_Ziynou.jpg)
"November 22, 2013 on a Friday it was lunch time at M.S. 113. I was on the lunch line and I had my fingers in the hinge of the door. As I was leaning my left ring finger got caught in the door and it closed on my finger so they had to amputate [it]" - Ziyi's brother Ziynou
![Ziynou is more responsible for his actions [now]. - Ziyi F.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62435721c851cb34aebcf78b/1651802732234-AISTXLNYNJXVRKHC4HWL/Ziyi_F_Ziynou_F_Brother_BPL2.jpg)
!["At the age of 14 my complexion began to change from brown to light. I have a skin condition called Vitiligo. People often [made] unflattering comments in regards to my skin discoloration." - Alicia R. She is still my mother and I love her. I accep](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62435721c851cb34aebcf78b/1651802718456-MJCW6CUN3LAEW4ZF2D9F/Alexzander_R_Alicia_R_BPL2.jpg)
"At the age of 14 my complexion began to change from brown to light. I have a skin condition called Vitiligo. People often [made] unflattering comments in regards to my skin discoloration." - Alicia R. She is still my mother and I love her. I accept her how she is and myself as I am. - Alexzander R.

![The life changing experience was that when her father passed away she [believed] that he is still alive. What made her think that is she felt something like a connection that her father is by her. - Anima R.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62435721c851cb34aebcf78b/1651803021108-6UEKO99XBHKUCATRUSAF/Anima_Mariyam.jpg)

!["November 22, 2013 on a Friday it was lunch time at M.S. 113. I was on the lunch line and I had my fingers in the hinge of the door. As I was leaning my left ring finger got caught in the door and it closed on my finger so they had to amputate [it]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62435721c851cb34aebcf78b/1651803025050-282GBR8Z8BSUTC3ARB5V/Ziyi_Ziynou.jpg)
![Ziynou is more responsible for his actions [now]. - Ziyi F.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62435721c851cb34aebcf78b/1651802732234-AISTXLNYNJXVRKHC4HWL/Ziyi_F_Ziynou_F_Brother_BPL2.jpg)
!["At the age of 14 my complexion began to change from brown to light. I have a skin condition called Vitiligo. People often [made] unflattering comments in regards to my skin discoloration." - Alicia R. She is still my mother and I love her. I accep](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62435721c851cb34aebcf78b/1651802718456-MJCW6CUN3LAEW4ZF2D9F/Alexzander_R_Alicia_R_BPL2.jpg)

Brooklyn Public Library Family Portraits
We asked the 5th grade students from P.S. 3 in Brooklyn to interview a family member about a life-changing experience that she or he had. Questions included:
Describe an experience your subject had that was life changing.
Why was it life changing?
Do the experiences of your subject change how you view him/her or yourself? Why or why not?
Click through the gallery to view portraits the students created of their family members and the photos they worked from. Answers to the interview questions are in the captions.