Exhibit of Memory Project portraits at IS27
IS27 students present their work
IS27 - Staten Island
New York, NY
May 31, 2019
We had the pleasure of teaming up with the Museum of Jewish Heritage again to host two classes of 7th graders from IS27 with their wonderful teachers, Julia Snyder and Terry Cusmano. We met Julia and Terry at a teacher training workshop we held at the museum on Election Day in 2018. They loved our program, and worked with the museum to bring their students in for a day of Holocaust education. Each class took turns hearing testimony from Holocaust survivors, and participating in a Memory Project workshop. We really enjoyed working with the students who were so focused and into the workshop and creating portraits.
Julia and Terry created an exhibit of the students' work at the school immediately after the workshop (photo top right). We look forward to seeing them next year with a new group!