A man looks at the Memory Project Productions exhibit
Podkarpackie (Subcarpathian) Museum
Krosno, Poland
January 15 to February 28, 2018
We were happy to learn that The Memory Project exhibit is on display at the Podkarpackie (Subcarpathian) Museum in Krosno, Poland, coinciding with International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The museum combined our exhibit with artwork created by local students. They researched and made portraits of Jews from their hometown who were murdered in theHolocaust. “Technique, manual skills, talent, they did not matter much," explains Katarzyna Krępulec-Nowak, [the project director]. "We wanted to make the memory of the Holocaust something more moving, understandable and emotional, even personal. We wanted to transfer the notion of the Holocaust from book pages, by definition encyclopedic…to human consciences and hearts.” From the museum's website:
"The Memory Project is not only the paintings of Roz Jacobs, this exhibition, or the memory of one boy. This is a process by which we restore the memory of thousands of boys and thousands of girls, to save what seemed lost.
All over the world, tens of thousands of young people are taking part in workshops, classes and lectures, during which the murdered and missing are mentioned; people whose loss has somehow touched us, respectfully restoring their characters to our world.
Also in Krosno, there were young people who decided to face difficult memories of the Holocaust and to free the figures of their peers who disappeared from Krosno's houses and streets from the darkness.
Youth from the municipalities of the Municipal School Complex No. 4 and the Second High School took part in lessons devoted to the subject of the Holocaust and created portraits of Jews from Krosno murdered by the Germans.”
We are moved to be a part of Krosno's re-discovery of its history, and very happy to hear that there is a youth movement to remember those who were lost and to keep their memories alive. Special thanks to the Galicia Jewish Museum, our partner in Poland.Several articles have been written about the exhibit in Polish publications. You can find the English translations here, and the original articles in Polish below them:
English translations
"An Amazing Exhibition Telling the Story of a Jewish family at the Podkarpackie Museum in Krosno" — naszemiasto.pl
"Project Memory - History of the Jewish family" — O.pl
"The Memory Project a temporary exhibition from the Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow" — Wyborcza.pl
" 'Remembrance Project' - Remembrance Day on the victims of the Holocaust" — Krosnocity.pl
" 'Memory Project' - a unique exhibition devoted to the history of the Jewish family" — tvKrosno.pl
Original Polish articles
Projekt Pamięć – historia rodziny żydowskiej — O.pl
Projekt Pamięć wystawa czasowa z Żydowskiego Muzeum Galicja w Krakowie — Cojestgrane24.wyborcza.pl
“Projekt Pamięć” – Dzień Pamięci o Ofiarach Holocaustu — Krosnocity.pl
“Projekt Pamięć” – wyjątkowa wystawa poświęcona historii żydowskiej rodziny — Tvkrosno.pl